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All Classes are on Saturday


Class- Lady Aki- Creating the Japanese kosode and hakama- 1.5- 2hrs- Leonard Hall

Class- M’Lord Seamus- Weaving on the Inkle Loom 101- Learn to Set Up the Inkle Loom for weaving trims, belts and embellishments. -Library


Class- Wire Weaving - Lord Lundvarr Dufgalsson. A TRU class for those scholars out there. The class has a size limit of 6, I have been known to open this up though if there is interest enough. Cost of materials is FREE!!!!!! The only things I request you bring are: A) an eagerness to learn, B) hands are nice things to bring for craft work, C) Glasses if seeing things in detail or up-close tends to be difficult.- Leonard Hall

Class- Lady Veronica’s Embellishment Series- Hand Stitching 101 - Basic stitches for use in period and modern construction. We'll practice the running stitch, double running stitch, whipstitch, blanket stitch, and buttonhole stitch using user-friendly felt and floss to mimic working with wool.- Big Hall


Class- Lady Veronica’s Embellishment Series- Buttons, Beads, and Pearls - Oh my! - A beginner’s guide to hand sewing and basic embellishment. Bring a project or use the supplies provided to make a gift to take home- Leonard Hall

Class- M’Lord Seamus- Inkle Loom Weaving 102- Learn the basics of weaving trims, belts and embellishments on the inkle loom.


Class- Lady Veronica’s Embellishment Series- Hand Stitching 101 - Basic stitches for use in period and modern construction. We'll practice the running stitch, double running stitch, whipstitch, blanket stitch, and buttonhole stitch using user-friendly felt and floss to mimic working with wool.- Leonard Hall

Class- Duchess Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara- The Crusades- The Rumor, The Innuendo and the Facts: learn about the Crusades while on your pilgrimage to the Holy Land.- Kitchen Hall


Class- Veronica's Embellishment Series: Intro to Applique - It's easier than you think! We will go over picking your design, stitching techniques, and potential problems and pitfalls using user-friendly felt and floss to mimic working with wool- Leonard Hall