Schedule (subject to change)

Friday: Site Opens 4 p.m.

Traveler's Fare @ 6:30

Saturday: 8- 9 am Breakfast

9:30 Armor Inspection

10:00 Opening Ceremony Quest for the Holy Grail, Hero of the Chalice Tourney

8 a.m -10 Art Sci Set up Morgan Le Fey Potion # 9 (anything to seduce the opposite sex)

10- 12 Archery Practice

10 – 2 Art Sci Judging

12:00 Bar B Que wild beast etc. Fundraiser

1p.m. Light Weapons Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Shtick and Tourney

1-4 Archery Tourney Merlin’s Tricks Competition

3:00 Children’s New Comer’s Class to Prepare them for Scavenger Hunt Rescuing of Iseuldt Children’s Activity

3:30 Children’s Activity Rescuing of Iseuldt Scavenger Hunt

4:00 Art Sci competition closes all populace, Crown, and Laurel judging complete

5:00 Court

6:30 Dinner

9:30 – 11:30 Burning of the Yule log and Bardic Circle

11:30 – Steam Punk Once and Future King Midnight Ball (

Sunday 8 a.m Breakfast

11:00 site closes