

Travelers fare will be Zephs White Chicken Chili and cornbread.

Breakfast will be a sausage egg muffin, pancakes, fruits and of course, coffee!

Lunch: Kitchen is CLOSED! So make sure to pick up your fundraiser lunch!

Dinner ... dun dun dunnnnn. Here we go!

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Dried meat, spreadable cheeses, fruits and toasted croutons

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Beef stew and fresh rolls

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Shredded Pork, yellow rice and peas

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Yard bird with honey glazed carrots

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Fried apples and rice pudding

Yes, you read that right, 5 removes of a roller coaster of flavors for your tongue to dance on!

(There will be a limited amount of gluten free breads available, message me privately as quantities are limited and please reserve this only if you have a need. Thank you!)

In service to the Dream,

Your friendly neighborhood B-Bash Feast-crats,

Count Joshua du Charmont

And Duchess Zephyrine de la Maige!